
Dr. Ernst Laves Gründer Hannover

Prof. Dr. Ernst Laves

On 26.06.1908 Prof. Dr. Ernst Laves (head of the pharmacy of the Nordstadt Hospital, later professor at the Technical University of Hanover) founds the company and starts the factory production of Lecin. The first company headquarters are in Hanover, opposite the hospital.
Werbeplakat Lecin Laves

Laves on the upswing

The company already has 20 employees. The mineral milk protein preparations are in great demand during World War 1 due to deficiency symptoms.
Fabrik Hannover Hildesheimer Strasse Laves

Change of location

The new production site is completed. Production will start at Hildesheimer Str. 111 A, Hanover.
Dr. Wolfgang Laves Laves Geschäftsführer

Dr. Wolfgang Laves

Prof. Dr. Ernst Laves dies in a traffic accident on 01.10.1927. His son Dr. Wolfgang Laves takes over the company at the age of 26. He launches the bacterial preparations Coli-Antigen (later Colibiogen®) and Colivit.
Zerstörung Produktionsstandort Hannover

Destruction in the 2nd World War

The war interrupts the upswing. The factories in Hildesheimer Strasse and Köblinger Strasse are destroyed by bombs and fire. An alternative factory is built in Neustadt a. Rgb.
Laves Unternehmen altes Transportauto

Company growth

The company is growing despite the setback: the workforce comprises 250 employees.
Neuer Standort Neustadt am Rübenberge

Move to Neustadt am Rübenberge

The factory in Neustadt a. Rgb. is completed. The upward development of the company is strongly influenced by war and looting damage, currency reform and high tax burdens.
Laves historische Produkte

Another setback in the post-war period

As a result of the political division of Germany, the subsidiary in Dresden has to be abandoned. The factory in the West works at full speed, but nevertheless it is neither possible to fulfil the entire manufacturing programme nor even come close to satisfying demand.
Laves Produktionsstandort Hannover


The "Lecin" factory moves back to Hanover: new buildings are constructed on the site of the bombed-out factory.
Hans Georg Laves Geschäftsführer

Pharmacist Hans-Georg Laves

Pharmacist Hans-Georg Laves acquires the Laves company. The difficult generation replacement entailed a consistent policy of healthy downsizing.

Rising profits

Turnover was increased from DM 535,000 to DM 1,250,000 in the last four years. In 1974, the establishment of a sales force and export business to the Far East increased the company's turnover and success.
Laves Standort Empelde Baustart

Relocation to Empelde / Ronnenberg

The headquarters were relocated to Empelde just outside Hanover to meet the requirements of modern pharmaceutical manufacturing.
Laves GbR Immobilienverwaltung

Property management

Immobilienverwaltung Laves GbR is founded and henceforth takes on the management of the buildings in Hildesheimer Straße and other houses.
Laves Standort Produktion Schweiz

Production site in Switzerland

In the course of the developments of the European Single Market and the advancing globalisation, especially in the pharmaceutical industry and the very highest hygienic standards (GMP), a new production site is opened in the canton of Lucerne in Switzerland.
Laves GbR Mietwohnungen Studenten Hannover

New use for the old site

Students and rental flats are being built in the former factory and office building complex in Hildesheimer Straße.
Laves Geschäftsleitung

Under new leadership

Hans-Georg Laves passes away after a long illness. His three sons take over the management in the fourth family generation.
Laves Tochterfirma SL Praxisbedarf

Development of new business areas

The Laves Group buys SL Akupunktur GmbH and incorporates it into the Empelde building complex.

Change in management

Ralph Laves leaves the company to pursue his vocation as a pharmacist. He opens his own pharmacy in Munich.
Laves Tochterfirma Dürasol

Dürasol becomes part of the Laves family

The Laves Group takes over the Dürasol company from Karlsruhe from the family. In future, the high-quality doctors' bags will be handmade in Empelde.
Laves Hauptstandort Empelde

New coat of paint

The Empelde site is expanded with the addition of a new high-bay warehouse and receives a new coat of paint. Frank Laves leaves the company and sets up his own hotel in Switzerland.
Laves Produktionsstandort Schweiz

New production plant

Project XJ15 is completed: The production plant in Schötz is upgraded to the latest pharmaceutical technology. In future, production will take place in 2,000-litre fermenters.